With this challenge in mind

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The teaching staff deals with various challenges on a daily basis at school. In addition to engaging students during classes, these professionals also need to manage their time masterfully . This is because it is necessary to take care of the routine inside and outside the classroom — after all, much of the educators' occupation goes beyond finishing classes.

, we have selected five time management Email Marketing Database  tips for teachers to take advantage of both inside and outside the classroom. Check out!

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From the lesson plan schedule, organize the contents to be taught in detail . Try to calculate, on average, how long the discussion, reading or exercise might last. Thus, not only do you awaken students' interest by proposing activities that go beyond the presentation of the content, but you don't leave them without answers to possible questions at the end of the class.

It is also advisable to revisit and practice the contents that will be taught in advance , as practice helps to better systematize the time needed to expose the subject, count on the participation of students and still have flexibility in the face of unforeseen situations.

This tip is simultaneously a challenge and a quality of the profession. After all, no class is the same as the other. The teacher who understands this is able to foresee surprises, even during classes, so that time does not become an enemy of productivity .

How about making a report of your classes and analyzing, on a case-by-case basis, the best way to make time work? You will see that some classes understand the content better with lectures, while others flow with group debates, for example. Identifying each profile helps define the best solutions.

For this process to be done effectively and quickly, technology platforms are excellent alternatives. In addition to helping to optimize time in the preparation and correction of activities, tests and simulations, these tools generally provide performance reports with the strengths and weaknesses of students, helping to prepare classes and pedagogical interventions.

During classes, the educator needs to know how to conduct interruptions, captivate students and open spaces to expand discussions. All this without compromising the content planning to be taught at that time.

Once again, the importance of good time management is clear, this time combining the ability to improvise with planning. Good allies to face this challenge are the active methodologies . In the inverted classroom, for example, students study the topic previously at home, writing down questions and reflections, which will be presented and discussed with the teacher in the classroom.

Planning classes and tests, preparing feedback for parents and correcting exercises are just some of the activities that are part of the teacher's routine outside the classroom. But do you know what your priorities are?

Knowing them is an important step towards valuing your time. Former US President Dwight Eisenhower already showed, decades ago, the importance of this, classifying his activities as important and not important, and then as urgent and not urgent.

What is important and urgent must be prioritized, while less important tasks are resolved in sequence, increasing productivity. The method is even part of the great time management recipes used by entrepreneurs and can be part of the routine at your school.

Nowadays, there are countless tools that can help teachers with time management — whether to plan classes or to make them more versatile and dynamic. Technology is one of these allies, supporting routine and pedagogical practices.

Want to go deeper into the subject and understand how to improve educators' relationship with time management? Click on the image and download the e-book. You will learn about the  particularities of the relationship between educators and time , identifying the biggest challenges faced and coming up with specific solutions for the school routine.

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